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Endoscopic Ultrasonography

Endoscopic Ultrasonography

Endoscopic ultrasonography near me

Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) allows your doctor to examine your esophageal and stomach linings as well as the walls of your upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. The upper tract consists of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum; the lower tract includes your colon and rectum. EUS is also used to study other organs that are near the gastrointestinal tract, including the lungs, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Endoscopists are highly trained specialists who welcome your questions regarding their credentials, training and experience. Your endoscopist will use a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope that has a built-in miniature ultrasound probe. Your doctor will pass the endoscope through your mouth or anus to the area to be examined. Your doctor will then use the ultrasound to use sound waves to create visual images of the digestive tract.

Additional Information

  • Why is EUS done?

    EUS provides your doctor with more information than other imaging tests by providing detailed images of your digestive tract. Your doctor can use EUS to diagnose certain conditions that may cause abdominal pain or abnormal weight loss. EUS is also used to evaluate known abnormalities, including lumps or lesions, which were detected at a prior endoscopy or were seen on x-ray tests, such as a computed tomography (CT) scan. EUS provides a detailed image of the lump or lesion, which can help your doctor determine its origin and help treatment decisions. EUS can be used to diagnose diseases of the pancreas, bile duct and gallbladder when other tests are inconclusive or conflicting.

  • Why is EUS used for patients with cancer?

    EUS helps your doctor determine the extent of spread of certain cancers of the digestive and respiratory systems. EUS allows your doctor to accurately assess the cancer’s depth and whether it has spread to adjacent lymph glands or nearby vital structures, such as major blood vessels. In some patients, EUS can be used to obtain a needle biopsy of a lump or lesion to help your doctor determine the proper treatment.

  • How should I prepare for EUS?

    For EUS of the upper gastrointestinal tract, you should have nothing to eat or drink, usually for six hours before the examination. Your doctor will tell you when to start this fasting and whether it is advisable to take your regular prescription medications.
    For EUS of the rectum or colon, your doctor will instruct you to either consume a colonic cleansing solution or to follow a clear liquid diet combined with laxatives or enemas prior to the examination. The procedure might have to be rescheduled if you don’t follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.

  • What about my current medications or allergies?

    You can take most medications as usual until the day of the EUS examination. Tell your doctor about all medications that you’re taking and about any allergies you have. Anticoagulant medications (blood thinners such as warfarin or heparin) and clopidogrel may need to be adjusted before the procedure. Insulin also needs to be adjusted on the day of EUS. In general, you can safely take aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) before an EUS examination. Check with your doctor in advance regarding these recommendations. Check with your doctor about which medications you should take the morning of the EUS examination, and take only essential medications with a small sip of water. If you have an allergy to latex, you should inform your doctor prior to your test. Patients with latex allergies often require special equipment and may not be able to have a complete EUS examination.

  • Do I need to take antibiotics?

    Antibiotics are not generally required before or after EUS examinations. However, your doctor might prescribe antibiotics if you are having specialized EUS procedures, such as to drain a fluid collection or a cyst using EUS guidance.
    Practices vary among doctors, but for an EUS examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, some endoscopists spray your throat with a local anesthetic before the test begins. Most often you will receive sedatives intravenously to help you relax. You will most likely begin by lying on your left side. After you receive sedatives, your endoscopist will pass the ultrasound endoscope through your mouth, esophagus and stomach into the duodenum. The instrument does not interfere with your ability to breathe. The actual examination generally takes less than 60 minutes. Many do not recall the procedure. Most patients consider it only slightly uncomfortable, and many fall asleep during it. An EUS examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract can often be performed safely and comfortably without medications, but you’ll receive a sedative if the examination will be prolonged or if the doctor will examine a significant distance into the colon. You will start by lying on your left side with your back toward the doctor. Most EUS examinations of the rectum generally take less than 45 minutes. You should know that if a needle biopsy of a lesion or drainage of a cyst is performed during the EUS, then the procedure will be longer and may take up to two hours.

  • What happens after EUS?

    If you received sedatives, you will be monitored in the recovery area until most of the sedative medication’s effects have worn off. If you had an upper EUS, your throat might be a little sore. You might feel bloated because of the air and water that were introduced during the examination. You’ll be able to eat after you leave the procedure area, unless you’re instructed otherwise. Your doctor generally can inform you of the preliminary results of the procedure that day, but the results of some tests, including biopsies, may take several days.

  • What are the possible complications of EUS?

    Although complications can occur, they are rare when doctors with specialized training and experience perform the EUS examination. Bleeding might occur at a biopsy site, but it’s usually minimal and rarely requires follow-up. You might have a slight sore throat for a day or so. Nonprescription anesthetic-type throat lozenges help soothe a sore throat.
    Other potential but uncommon risks of EUS include a reaction to the sedatives used, aspiration of stomach contents into your lungs, infection, and complications from heart or lung diseases. One major but very uncommon complication of EUS is perforation. This is a tear through the esophagus, stomach or lining of the intestine that might require surgery to repair. The possibility of complications increases slightly if a needle biopsy is performed during the EUS examination, including an increased risk of pancreatitis or infection. These risks must be balanced against the potential benefits of the procedure and the risks of alternative approaches to the condition.

Should I arrange for help after the examination?If you received sedatives, you will not be allowed to drive after the procedure, even if you do not feel tired. You should arrange a ride home in advance. You should also plan to have someone stay with you at home after the examination, because the sedatives could affect your judgment and reflexes for the rest of the day.

Make the Best Choice for Your Endoscopic Procedure

Endoscopic procedure near me

Having an ASGE member perform your endoscopic procedures ensures that you are in the hands of someone who is highly trained. Physicians and surgeons who are members of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) have highly specialized training in endoscopic procedures of the digestive tract, including upper GI (gastrointestinal) endoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).
ASGE members undergo a rigorous application and screening process and are recognized by the medical community as knowledgeable, experienced experts in gastroenterology and GI surgery who, in addition, have advanced training in gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures.
ASGE members have demonstrated proof of rigorous endoscopic training. The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is the only medical society that requires documentation of specific training in GI endoscopic procedures.

Additional Information

  • How will your GI endoscopist work with your primary care physician?

    ASGE physicians usually work on referral from your primary care physician. Your GI endoscopist will communicate with your primary care physician about the results of your endoscopic procedure. Together, they will determine what is appropriate for treatment, follow-up visits and/or if future endoscopic exams are needed.

  • Is your physician an ASGE member? Ask.

    Make the best choice. If you need an endoscopic procedure, ask your primary care doctor to recommend a specialist in gastrointestinal endoscopy who is also an ASGE member. ASGE members are distinctively qualified to perform the gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures that your primary care physician or other healthcare provider recommends and to work with you and your primary care provider on issues of digestive health.

  • Find an endoscopist in your area.

    ASGE can help you find a GI endoscopist in your area. It’s easy. Visit the ASGE Web site at and click on the Find a Doctor. By typing in your zip code, the Find a Doctor program will give you a list of the ASGE members in your area. Remember, you can always ask if your physician is an ASGE member.

  • Need more information on endoscopy or colonoscopy?

    ASGE offers additional materials on GI endoscopy and endoscopic procedures, including brochures on Upper GI Endoscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound, ERCP, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, and Colonoscopy on the ASGE Web site at as well as other useful information on digestive health and gastrointestinal problems.

  • Make the Best Choice for Your Endoscopic Procedure-An ASGE Gastrointestinal Endoscopist

    ASGE Active Physician Members have met the following rigorous requirements:
    Unlimited medical license.Graduation from an accredited medical school and completion of a residency program.Documented evidence of formal training in gastrointestinal endoscopy under the supervision of certified gastroenterologists or gastrointestinal surgeons – ASGE is the only society that requires evidence of such training.Finally, ASGE Active Members must provide evidence of professional competence through sponsorship by at least one member who has personal knowledge of the applicant’s endoscopic training and skills.Be certain your physician meets the high standards of ASGE membership.

Ensuring the Safety of Your Endoscopic Procedure

Endoscopy safety near me

Endoscopy involves the use of flexible tubes, known as endoscopes, to provide a close-up, color television view of the inside of the digestive tract. Upper endoscopes are passed through the mouth to visualize the esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and duodenum (first portion of the small intestine), while lower endoscopes (colonoscopes) are passed through the rectum to view the colon or large intestine. Other special endoscopes allow physicians to view portions of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder as well.
Endoscopy has been a major advance in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. For example, the use of endoscopes allows the detection of ulcers, cancers, polyps and sites of internal bleeding. Through endoscopy, tissue samples (biopsies) may be obtained, areas of blockage can be opened, and active bleeding can be stopped. Polyps in the colon can be removed, which has been shown to prevent colon cancer.
Endoscopy is easily carried out on an outpatient basis and is very well tolerated by patients. The technique of endoscopy is extremely safe, with very low rates of complications, when performed by a properly trained endoscopist, such as members of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE).

Additional Information

  • The Characteristics of an Endoscope

    An endoscope consists of a flexible tube, which is passed into the digestive tract to provide a video image, and a control section, which allows the endoscopist to maneuver the tip of the flexible tube in a precise manner. Within the tube are the electronics necessary to obtain the video image, cables that allow control of the flexible tip, and channels that permit the passage of devices to sample tissue, stop bleeding, or remove polyps. The endoscope is a complex but durable instrument and is safe for use in thousands of procedures.

  • Effectiveness of the Reprocessing Guidelines

    The dissemination and implementation of the guidelines for endoscope reprocessing (cleaning and disinfecting) outlined here have resulted in a remarkable safety record for endoscopy. Based on medical literature, the Technology Committee of the ASGE estimates that the chance that a serious infection could be transmitted by endoscopy is only about 1 in 1.8 million. Given the multiple benefits of endoscopy, it is no wonder that the number of procedures performed grows each year and that endoscopy is a mainstay of digestive disease treatment plans and health maintenance strategies. Endoscope manufacturers are continually improving the design of endoscopes to ensure patient safety.

  • Quality Assurance and Training

    Any facility in which gastrointestinal endoscopy is performed must have an effective quality assurance program in place to ensure that endoscopes are reprocessed properly. Quality assurance programs for endoscopy must include the supervision, training, and annual competency review of all staff involved in the process, systems that assure availability of appropriate equipment and supplies at all times, and strict procedures for reporting possible problems.

  • Availability of Reprocessing Guidelines

    The ASGE guidelines for infection control during gastrointestinal endoscopy provide the latest techniques and step-by-step directions on the proper procedure for cleaning and disinfecting endoscopes. These are distributed to all members of ASGE and are regularly reviewed and updated. They are also easily accessed on the ASGE Web site ( or by calling or writing ASGE.

  • How the Preparation of an Endoscope for Each Procedure Ensures Patient Safety

    Prior to the performance of a procedure, an endoscope must be carefully cleaned and disinfected according to guidelines published by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, which have been endorsed by every major medical association dealing with endoscopy and infection control. The steps involved in cleaning and disinfecting an endoscope are as follows:
    Mechanical cleaning. The operating channels and external portions of the endoscope are washed thoroughly, wiped with special liquids that contain enzymes, and brushed with special cleaning instruments. Studies have shown that these steps alone can eliminate potentially harmful viruses and other microbes from an endoscope. However, much more is done before the endoscope is considered ready for use.
    Leakage testing. The endoscope is tested to be sure that there are no leaks in its internal operating channels. This not only ensures peak performance of the endoscope, but also allows immediate detection of internal defects that could be a potential focus of infection within the device. Despite its complex electronics, an entire endoscope can be submersed completely in liquid so that leakage testing can be carried out.
    Use of chemical disinfectants. Next, the endoscope is soaked continuously for an appropriate time period with one of several approved liquid chemicals that destroy microorganisms that can cause infections in humans, including the AIDS virus, hepatitis viruses, and potentially harmful bacteria. There are a variety of chemical disinfectants used to achieve high-level disinfection. This process eliminates virtually all microbial life except for some inactivated dormant organisms known as spores. However, spores are uncommonly found in endoscopes and, even if present, are not harmful to humans. Although most high-level disinfectants are also sterilants (which kills all spores), this requires a much longer exposure time, and has not been shown to be necessary. The human mouth, small intestine, colon and rectum contain millions of non-harmful bacteria. Therefore, as soon as the endoscope touches the internal surface of a patient, it is not sterile. The goal of a “sterile” endoscope from the beginning to the end of a procedure is not achievable. Therefore, the goal of reprocessing is to eliminate from the endoscope any potentially harmful microbes. This goal can be achieved with high-level disinfectant chemicals and by following standard reprocessing guidelines.
    Rinsing and drying. After exposure to the chemical disinfectant, the endoscope channels are flushed with sterile water followed by alcohol and then air dried to eliminate any moisture that could be a site of bacterial growth from the environment. The endoscope is then stored on a specialized hanger to keep it dry and free of contamination.

IMPROVING DIGESTIVE HEALTH THROUGH EXCELLENCE IN ENDOSCOPY Since its founding in 1941, ASGE has been dedicated to advancing patient care and digestive health by promoting excellence in gastrointestinal endoscopy. This information is the opinion of and provided by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Gastrointestinal endoscopy helps patients through screening, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. Visit to learn how you can support GI endoscopic research, education and public outreach through a donation to the ASGE Foundation.


Since its founding in 1941, ASGE has been dedicated to advancing patient care and digestive health by promoting excellence in gastrointestinal endoscopy. This information is the opinion of and provided by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy helps patients through screening, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. Learn how you can support GI endoscopic research, education and public outreach through a donation to the ASGE Foundation.

For more information visit, or

Copyright © 2018 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Important Reminder: This information is intended only to provide general guidance. It does not provide definitive medical advice. It is very important that you consult your doctor about your specific condition.


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